I have accidentally stumbled upon something incredible.
Last month, I was really sick with a stomach bug. The kids had it too. I have never been that sick before. It was awful. Caring for and cleaning up after two little ones with tummy troubles while also feeling so ill wasn't fun either. My husband Chris had to work, so thankfully my Mom travelled up our way and stayed for awhile to take care of us!
Well, while she was here, we picked up a few
Bolthouse Farms fruit and veggie drinks. They're the ones found in the produce section at the grocery store (I am not affiliated with Bolthouse Farms in any way. You can read
my disclaimer here). We thought that since my stomach couldn't handle solid food, it would be a good way to get some sort of nutrition.
One of those juices was a giant bottle of carrot juice.
I was a bit hesitant to try it and even put it off for awhile. I thought it would be on par with tomato juice which I DO NOT LIKE. I am reminded of the time when my friends were drinking Caesars (similar to a Bloody Mary, for all of the American readers) and I thought that I should too. It was not pretty. And it wasn't because of the vodka.
I didn't try the carrot juice until well after the illness left our household and my Mom returned to her home. When I finally tasted it, I was shocked. It was fantastic! It's a little bit sweet and absolutely delicious served ice cold. This Bolthouse version contains a whopping 380% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A and is only 70 calories per 1 cup serving.
According to my research...
(if you watch
The Magic School Bus as much as we do, that phrase may make you smile)
Each cup contains a whole lot of vitamins and minerals too. These include the aforementioned vitamin A, vitamins C, E, & K, various B vitamins, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc. While the old adage that carrots improve eyesight holds true (did I detect a slight improvement in my horrible night vision while driving the other night?), particularly if you have a vitamin A deficiency, there are also a number of other health benefits that this super food provides. Everything from helping dry skin to preventing cancer seem to be on the list of amazing things that carrots can do. "The antioxidants and phytochemicals in carrots may also help with blood sugar regulation, delay the effects of aging, and improve immune function."
(Nordqvist, J. (2013, December 16). "What are the health benefits of carrots?." Medical News Today. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/270191.)
How often does something so good for you also taste so amazing?
It sounds silly, but carrot juice makes me feel like skipping and twirling around like a little girl. Maybe it's all of the antioxidants. Maybe it's all of the vitamin A. Whatever it is, I love this stuff and drink at least one glass a day (remember to check with your doctor before changing your diet, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions). I've also read that drinking 3 cups or more a day can turn skin orange! So I try not to overdo it. Like that episode of The Magic School Bus where Arnold turns orange after eating too many Seaweedies.
Well, I couldn't title this post "Ode to Carrot Juice" without including one. So here it is...
Ode to Carrot Juice
Oh carrot juice!
Sweet orange nectar
As a seed you start
So small.
Within Earth's embrace,
You grow.
Nourished by soil, sun,
A hidden wonder lies
Your destiny we shall not
For, your great goodness, now
I know.
Nature's nourishment is the gift you impart
To all.