
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Heart Full of Art

Our lovely house guest Leo arrived just in time to accompany us on a quick visit to our hometown.
{Need to catch up on who Leo is?  Check out Friendship in a Box}

We had a very "art-full" weekend!

First of all, two of my drawings were accepted for the Invitational 2011 Exhibition at Gallery in the Grove, so we wanted to attend the opening reception.  The show runs until June 25th, 2011 so if you're in the area you can go see Cottage Chairs and Feathered Trio in person.

Then my very talented best friend and her very talented sister invited me to join them at their booth in the street festival, Artwalk.  {Check out Taking it to the Streets! for more info.}

Well, Artwalk was a success!  All of the Scrappy Sparrows and Beach Bottles that I brought sold!  Most on the first day of the festival.  Now that I know people like my stuff, I'll have to bring more quantities of everything next time.

And I must give a shout out to my friends, Meghan and Katelyn O'Donnell... I was so impressed by their beautiful paintings and I'll be sure to let you know about their website once it's up and running!

Perhaps it was Leo's presence that brought us good luck, as he peered down from his perch on the tent roof...

So once we were back home, Leo wanted to get in on the art action too...

...and he was the perfect portrait model!

Leo says that he likes my drawing of him, but what do you think?

Now all of our hearts are filled up with art... and we're loving it.

Is art a part of your life?  Drawing, painting, crafting, gardening, cooking, etc.... what's your favourite creative activity?

More adventures with Leo coming up tomorrow!

Thanks for dropping by

Leo is Lollygagging Across America  .  See where he came from


  1. Leo is adorable! Can't get much better than being cute AND lucky!
    I went back and re-read your DIY on the bottles and the birdies. I can see how they sold so well!
    Can't wait to see what Leo does next :)

  2. Oh my heavens! I am sitting here with a BIG grin on my face. This is precious! I can't wait to check back in tomorrow :)

  3. Leo is adorable! Can't wait til he gets to Wisconsin! I'm a new follower and love your blog! I am so going to make some of those cute birdies!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love reading your daily posts!! You are so creative!! And the drawing you did....just WOW!! i need lessons! haha

    -your newest follower! :)


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