
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Le-Oh Canada!

Well, Leo sure has been enjoying his time here with us polite, beer drinking, hockey loving Canadians.

{Need to catch up on who Leo is?  Check out Friendship in a Box and A Heart Full of Art}

To show Leo why we love it here, we could have taken Leo to the CN Tower in Toronto, or maybe on a brewery tour, or even to a hockey game...

sources: CN Tower, Beer, Hockey

...but I thought it would be best to show Leo a place closer to home and nearer to my heart.  So we decided to take a walk around our own neighbourhood...

We usually start off in the forest across the street from our house...

...where Leo enjoyed some time in the tree tops...

...and some cuddles from Oliver!

We continued down the trail, which runs along the shore of Lake Ontario.

There, we saw a sailboat in the distance...

...and peered over the edge of the bluff.

A little steep for a stroller... good thing we know another way down... and it just so happens to be through the trails of the beautiful Samuel Wilmot Nature Area!  I feel so lucky to live within walking distance.

They are in the process of building a lookout here...

...but we were still able to see the incredible view of the Cattail Marsh over the orange fencing.

My family patiently waited while Leo and I explored the shore...

...where we sat on the delightful driftwood...

...that was scattered all along the beach.

...and enjoyed the soothing sound of the waves.

After a nice long walk, there's nothing better than sitting on our master bedroom balcony, (maybe even with an ice cold beer) looking over the neighbourhood.

As we watched the wind flutter through our Canadian Flag, Leo wanted to know more about the relationship between our two countries.

So I showed him this video.

I first watched it during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and it instantly became a favourite of mine...
and Leo really liked it too. all of my American blogging buddies out there...

...I'm so glad that we're neighbours!

Thanks for stopping in.

Leo is Lollygagging Across America  .  See where he came from


  1. Leo is so cute! What a beautiful area you live in! I'm sure your little guy will love it as he gets older. Your fellow Canadian, Jenn :)

  2. Absolutely LOVE THIS! Your photographs are breathtaking!Such a beautiful place you live in.

  3. Leo sure has been having fun! What beauty in your neighbourhood. Makes me feel like moving - almost. Casn't wait to visit again. The video makes me proud to be a Canadian! Love, Mom

  4. Great fun you have with your family! Cute blog - and it was awesome to see Lake Ontario from your point of view. I live in Phoenix now, but I grew up on Lake Ontario in Rochester, NY! Just across the 'pond' from you. ;) Isn't it a lovely ocean-like view we have/had?! I surely miss it.

  5. So you are an artist and a photographer!? Beautiful photos. I agree, looks like a beautiful place to live!

  6. My Nice Does The Same Thing. She Has a penguin Who Goes On Trips And She Sends Back Pictures Of Him . My Site Is . Welcome !

  7. Just had a chance to visit your blog and have to say that I'm so glad I did!

    Adorable post about Leo! He sure seems to have enjoyed his visit with you.


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