
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Behind the Easel with Leo

Well, we've had a blast with Leo, but it is almost time for him to continue on with his journey.  So as Leo packs up his things, I thought I'd give you a peek "Behind the Easel" of the drawing that I did of him.

{Need to catch up on who Leo is?  Check out Friendship in a Box and A Heart Full of Art}


This is the first time in a very long time that I didn't use painter's tape along the edges, like I normally do.  If you'd like to see what that looks like, check out Cottage Chairs, On Great Grandpa's Knee, or Feathered Trio.
To be honest,  it was because Oliver and I were all set up out in the backyard before I realized that my tape was in the garage... which has a big heavy manual garage door... all the way at the front of the house... and I'd already been back and forth... twice.  So no tape.

But I actually like the way it turned out and it was quite freeing to just start sketching without any defined borders.

I started with a loose sketch of Leo's basic shapes using willow charcoal.

Then added in more details...

...and began shading in some areas.  The side of the piece of charcoal is great for this and fingers make great smudging tools.

Time to get a little darker with compressed charcoal...

...and even darker with black conte.  And to use an eraser to lighten areas and create texture.

Well, Oliver had gotten fed up with wearing a hat and it was time to go back inside, so I guess it's also time for the final addition... a signature!

I'd love to hear your thoughts...

Thanks for stopping by.

Leo is Lollygagging Across America  .  See where he came from


  1. awesome! what a great drawing! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I love making new blog friends! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would follow me too! Thanks!

  2. I love it.I really love seeing the steps behind what you do. So interesting.

  3. That is adorable!! What a great job. :)


  4. I adore sock monkeys. This is a great piece. Makes me want to bust out the charcoal.

    Thanks for sharing...


  5. I'm so glad you gave us a mini lesson on sketching!! It was a great refresher course for me!! :)


Thank you for your thoughts.