
Monday, November 14, 2011

Award x 2

I am truly honoured to have received not one, but TWO lovely blog awards lately...

First, is the Versatile Blog Award from Jodi over at In Corners of My Mind.  Whether the topic is art, design, or family life, her posts always have me smiling.

To accept this award, thank the person who awarded it to you
and include a link to their blog. Then choose up to 15 fellow bloggers
that you've recently discovered or follow regularly
to pass the award along to and share 7 things about yourself.

So here are a few things about myself...

  1. I'm an only child.
  2. I can never remember how old I am... I think that I just stopped bothering to keep track after 21.
  3. My Front Porch Ferns have been relocated indoors.  I usually kill houseplants, so hopefully they'll survive the winter... and me.
  4. I don't have a smartphone, but I'm thinking of getting one... any suggestions?
  5. I am SO excited for Christmas this year and decorating our house for the holidays... I have a few projects in the works and will be sharing them in the coming weeks.
  6. Doctor Who is my all time favourite TV show.
  7. Although charcoal seems to be the best medium for me as an artist, I've been thinking a lot about painting and printmaking lately... now I just need to find the time and motivation!

...and here are my nominations for The Versatile Blogger Award...

Sugar & Spice in the Land of Balls and Sticks is the place to find recipes, DIY, and many incredibly creative projects.  I always find myself inspired by all of the clever and cost effective ideas and tips!

Over at Momnivore's Dilemma, Nicolette's posts are absolutely hilarious as well as informative.  You'll find crafts, nutritious food, a great link party, and her family's experiences with autism.  She'll have you laughing one moment and tearing up the next!

Now on to award number two...

The Liebster Blog award is given to blogs that are considered up-and-coming and have under 200 followers.  And once again I am so honoured!

This award is from The S.I.P. Project - where incredible exchanges are beginning to take place... Fabulous photo shoots in exchange for service projects that benefit charities, communities, and causes.  I'm looking forward to seeing the entire project enfold!

I'd like to pass the Leibster Blog award on to...

Miss Amy at I do have a real job... I swear.  Motivating ideas and articles are plentiful there... and some great recipes too.  Be prepared to be inspired!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. wowza!!! You're fabulous!!! I am happy you feel inspired and motivated. There is so much out there in the world just waiting to be discovered. I'm happy to share! :)

  2. Thanks for the wonderful shout-out and for the award!

    Have a great week, Andrea!

  3. Great share, thanks for writing this


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