
Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 14: Embracing the Toys and A Bunting Tutorial

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
-Kurt Cobain

I think that sometimes I try to make our house into something that it's not...

...a house without the toys that young children acquire.

While although they can be fun and educational, I find most toys lacking in the home decor department.  Bright coloured plastic just isn't my finish of choice.  And until we finish our basement (at least a year or more away), the playroom also happens to be our living room... and kitchen... and dining area.

So instead of fighting it, I've decided to embrace it.  So toys aren't normally on the list of things to decorate our homes with - let's use them anyway!

Here's the how to...

Beautiful Baskets
I've aquired many lovely baskets of all shapes, sizes, and styles over the years.  Most of them now hold toys. Not only are they beautiful, they hide all the bits and pieces.  Plus, they're handy to walk around with while collecting toys at clean up time.

Cover the Clutter
A stack of folded blankets and a pair of knitted critters hide the unsightly stash underneath.

Designate and Display
Having a specific area for the majority of playthings makes tidy up time a breeze.  Putting books away in an organized fashion and displaying a few classic toys takes no time at all.

Gettin' Crafty
Since we're incorporating toys into the design of our home, why not incorporate the design style of our home into the toy area?  This bunting made from dictionary pages does the trick.

Want to create your own bunting?  There are countless examples all over the web and throughout Blogland.

Here's my how to...{within the how-to}

Rip 'em Out
I know it can be difficult, but just take a deep breath and do it.  Score with scissors and then rip those pages out!  I chose an old dictionary, but you could use any book, paper, or even fabric.  My pages already had the letters that I wanted, but adding stickers, stencils, or computer printouts are other great options.

Triangle Time
Mark out a triangular shape and cut out.

Get Gluing
Glue triangles to a length of ribbon.  Leave an equal distance of space between each one.

Let's Tie One On!
...or two, or three, or four.  Ribbons, string, fabric strips, beads, and little bells add flair to this bunting.

Now, we've fully embraced the toy maddness... with a little bit of organization and style!

Around here, the cheerful and fun filled atmosphere that comes with toys and the children who own them will no longer be wasted.

Thanks for popping by.

This post is part of my blog series, "31 Days of Words to Live By".  For the month of October, I will be sharing my favourite quotes and sayings while incorporating them into daily life and art projects.

This series was inspired by The Inspired Room, where you'll find other "31 Days" series among many other wonderful things!

Day 14: Embracing the Toys & A Bunting Tutorial 


  1. Andrea I love the dictionary bunting! Great idea!
    I might steal it for my classroom!

  2. The bunting is really cute. There is a time for us all, when our children are small that we have a toy house ;) It's unavoidable. (The cardboard playhouse is awesome BTW) I'll bet they love it!!

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