
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Winds of change from the East . Part 3

If you missed the beginning of the story, you can catch up with

To refresh your memory, this is where we left off...

I was in love with this village.

I was in love with this neighbourhood.

I was in love with this house.

There was only one problem... I had no idea how long it had been on the market.

Was it even still available?
If it was, what would we have to go through to get it?

I knew that it was listed at a good price and that we would have to act quickly...
After sending an email to our real estate agent, all I could do was wait.

I went to bed that Sunday night and as I fell asleep, my thoughts kept repeating...

oh please, oh please, oh please let it be available!

The next morning, our agent had replied - she was going to try and get us a viewing.

All day long, in my mind all I could think was...

oh please, oh please, oh please let it be available!

Over and over again, I found myself thinking...

oh please, oh please, oh please let it be available!

All of that positive focused thinking may have counted for something, because we got in to see the house on Wednesday.

The village, neighbourhood, and house were even better in person than in any photo.

It was settled - this was "the" house...

Our house.

We drew up the offer that night and presented it the next day.  It's a good thing too - there were 4 more viewings booked for the following day!

Thankfully, the negotiations and home inspection went smoothly this time around...

... and although I won't be able to breathe a sigh of relief until those keys are in our hands, at least I can breathe a little easier in the meantime.

The other day, I stumbled upon this description of our new neighbourhood in a Visitor's Guide to the area...

"Located on Lake Ontario, its marina,
restaurant and playground make it an
excellent place to stop. Not to mention,
look at their newly-built dream homes
located directly by the water."

It feels like a dream come true - not only do we get to stop there, we get to stay for awhile.

I've learned that things sometimes have to fall apart (the first house deal) in order for them to fall into place.

Sometimes the answer is waiting just a little bit farther from where we're looking...

And the next time that I am searching for something I will remember to look just a little bit towards the East.

Over the course of this 3 part story, I have been struggling with the ending of this final post and I think that I've finally figured out why.

This is not the ending - this story has only just begun.

Thanks for stopping by.

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