
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where does all the food go?

There are so many different restaurants in the United States that we don't have in Canada.

Yesterday, was my first time (and Oliver's too) eating breakfast at Bob Evan's.

The lady sitting at the next table was shocked at how much Oliver ate off of our plates!  We might have to start ordering a whole meal for him.

He's such a good eater and loves to try everything!

I don't know where he puts it all - you'd think he'd weigh twice as much as he does by the way he eats.

Our trip here in Kissimmiee, Florida would not be complete without a stop at Old Town.

It's a little amusement park and small town street full of neat shops.

Oliver enjoyed the sights and sounds from the stroller...

...and took a little snooze.

We were able to find a snazzy collar for our dog.
Hopefully she's having a blast playing with all of the other pooches at the kennel back home.

We definitely miss her!

At the end of our visit, we were going to take a spin on the carousel, but they weren't quite open yet.

Maybe next year!

Grandma & Oliver

After an afternoon by the pool, Ollie's little swimsuit was hung up to dry...

Then we had a homemade hamburger dinner and Grandpa Sam and Daddy took their places in the living room...

...but that's ok - we had some help cleaning up the kitchen.

Tonight will be another new restaruant experience for me.  We're heading off to Cracker Barrell... and I think we'll be ordering Oliver his own meal.

Thanks for dropping by.

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