
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Remembering Paradise

As I'm sitting here enjoying my morning coffee I have a beautiful view of...


Yesterday, we made it back from Florida...

...back to reality, responsibilities, and Winter.

So, I'd like to take a moment and remember the warm sunny paradise that we were able to call home for a little while.

Here's a look...

The front entrance...

Drive on in!

Take a look down the street.

I am in love with our sunny seashell bedroom in the condo.

 The room has white bamboo inspired furniture.

This is the matching dresser with seashell lamp.

The clubhouse is where the pool, hot tub, snacks, games, and more can be found.

 A pair of ducks are swimming on the nearby pond.

So much wildlife can be seen here, such as this Great Blue Heron.

No Gator sightings though!

This nifty water pipe thing is right outside our condo.

That's the bay window of our dining room  - pink building, top right.

It's very interesting...

's a closer look.

The best part of the condo is the big open living space.

While we were there, Oliver had a great time crawling everywhere and exploring everything.

He sure did work up an appetite...

Thanks for stopping by.

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