
Sunday, May 29, 2011

A gift from the sea

My in-laws recently spent some time vacationing in Florida.  While there, they collected many lovely seashells for me {thank you!}...

...I love all of the different shapes, sizes, and colours...

...there's a sand dollar in the mix....

...several large pieces...

...and little ones too...

They are all so unique...

...isn't this one incredible?

I can't wait to find a place for them in our home... maybe I'll even incorporate them into an upcoming project!

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. These seashells are beautiful! Love the last one you showed, and love sand dollars. I keep thinking I need to get with the program and have a beachy bathroom. Thanks for your kind comments at Red Hen Home!

  2. These are lovely! Truly unique!! They would be beautiful in a glass bowl but at know at this house they would not be left alone EVER. grrrrrr...

  3. Your vivid descriptions and heartfelt storytelling transported me to the shore, where the vastness of the ocean meets the serenity of the sand. It's in these moments of connection with nature that we find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of wonder.

  4. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt experience and reminding us to find beauty and inspiration in the simple wonders of our world. Your blog post serves as a gentle nudge to reconnect with nature and appreciate the extraordinary gifts it offers us every day.


Thank you for your thoughts.