
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pinterest and Peanut Butter Buttons

The other night started out just like any other.  I sat down at the computer to check email, reply to your wonderful comments, and leave some of my own.  Well, that didn't last for very long.

One of those emails was one that I have been wishing, waiting, and hoping for.  Within that email was an invitation to Pinterest.

You may have heard Pinterest mentioned on some truly amazing blogs out there.  Blogs such as Tatertots and Jello, Perfectly Imperfect, Funky Junk Interiors, A Beach Cottage, and Welcome to Heardmont.

Basically, Pinterest is a place to create your own virtual inspiration boards where you can browse and collect (or "pin") images.  Pinterest also saves the original link to the image, so finding more information is easier.

You can find my Pinterest collection at

So instead of my regularly scheduled evening of comments and emails... I found myself pinning on Pinterest... until 5am.

{I wonder how many times I will type Pinterest by the end of this post}

One of the inspiring things that I came across, was a tutorial for button shaped peanut butter cookies.  Since I like having homemade cookies around here, I had to try making them.
If it's something you'd like to do too, I highly recommend this excellent tutorial at Bakerella.

Instead of using the suggested cookie mix, I used the recipe that I've been using for years.  Originally, it's from the Kraft peanut butter jar {find it online here} and contains only 3 ingredients.

Super Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees
  • Mix all ingredients with a large spoon until well blended.
  • Roll into 24 balls and place 4" apart on baking sheets.
  • Flatten with fork. {leave as balls if making buttons}
  • Bake 10-20 min. or until lightly browned.

I usually make a double batch, because they disappear quickly!
{please don't tell anyone that I forgot to double the peanut butter in my first batch of buttons... still edible, but oh what a difference 1 cup of peanut butter makes!}

I'm not sure why mine cracked around the edges.  I guess it could be any number of things... like the recipe, the cooking time/temp, or the size of... um... balls?  Have any suggestions?  Might have to try a few different things to figure it out - and if I do I'll let you know.

UPDATE: I made these again, and used the 2L bottle cap to press down the cookies before baking, as well as after taking out of the oven.  This resolved most of the cracked edges!

Aren't they cute as a button? {lame pun intended}
I think they add a little bit of whimsy to the ordinary peanut butter cookie. 

Now, I'm off to bed before 5am rolls around.  Are you on Pinterest?  Send me your info... I'd love to check out your boards!

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh my goodness! These cookies are beautiful! I've been wanting to check out pinterest when my life slows down, but my fear is that it will keep me up all night, too!

  2. the cookies are adorable and the photo of them in the jar is so cute!! thanks for stopping by my blog!
    cheryl x

  3. Love these cookies! And I love that your recipe is gluten-free without any adjustments. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Gorgeous Cookies. I am not on pintrest, need to get on it!

  5. Cute indeed! Thanks for your visit too. I'm not on Pinterest yet. I think it might lead me into temptation...

  6. Great cookies!
    But changing the subject...I LOVE PINTEREST!! I think I'm addicted!! I'm also now following you! lol
    Shirl :o)

  7. Omg... Adorable! and the presentation is wonderful...anyone would love getting a gift like that!

  8. Looks yum! Glad you're enjoying pinterest! Thanks so much for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and joining in the party.

  9. OH my goodness, these are so cute! And in the jar all vintage-y, I love it. What a perfect gift! And you are an excellent photographer! Can't wait to read more!

  10. I came over from tatertots snd jello snd I just pinned this post! such s cute recipe idea!

  11. The cookies are so cute and I LOVE your packaging! I finally went on pinterest last week and am now hooked!

  12. So cute! Stopping by from tatertots and jello! Have an awesome weekend!

  13. Those cookies are so cute! I will have to remember to make mine into buttons too sometime.

  14. I don't know which I love more- Pinterest or those darling cookies!!!

  15. These look crazy good and I love how you've packaged them in a button jar -- too cute!

  16. So cute!! And, I've never heard of Pinterest so now I'll just have to check them out. I would love it if you would link this up to my Marvelous Mess party!! Here is the link:

  17. So glad you joined up! Your cookies look delicious. :)
    I'm your newest follower (here and on Pinterest) - keep the inspiration coming! :D

  18. These cookies are so cute! And love the why you packaged them to go!
    Your blog is full of so many great dishes and projects. I'm loving it!!

  19. I wanted to let you know that I am featuring this project on my blog today!! Thanks so much for linking up to my Marvelous Mess party....I hope you visit and link up again next week!! Here is the link top my post:

  20. Andrea - love these too! They look amazing!! I have featured these as well - Thanks again ~ Stephanie Lynn

  21. We love making peanut butter cookies and making them look like buttons is so fun! Thanks for sharing...and yeah I'm kind of addicted to pinterest too:)

  22. I saw your entry at the CSI Project--and I saw these cookies on Pinterest too! I love them! Great job! And I just got my Pinterest account a few weeks ago, but I am becoming an addict!!! Yikes! I just 'pinned' your cookies!

  23. I tried your recipe for Peanut Butter Cookies last night - delish! Thanks for posting. :)

  24. Nice rainy day, so we're going to make these right now! Can't believe thre are only 3 ingredients, sew easy :) I'm going to try them with Splenda so Grandpa can have some too. Super idea, Thanks!
    From my Pinterest Board:

  25. I found this on Pinterest and made. Mine cracked too! I tried pressing before, but it just seemed to crack before they even baked. Hmmmmm...I guess practice makes perfect. But who will eat all those cookies while practicing? :)

  26. I've got to try these. I think the cookies are cute cracked! I wouldn't want them any other way! But how do you make the four holes so perfectly symmetrical?

    1. Hi Cathie!
      I guess I didn't really explain the process in my post!
      The original idea is from this Coraline Cookies tutorial at Bakerella where you can find great photos and instructions.
      Basically, you roll the dough into little balls small enough to fit inside a bottle cap from a 2L bottle.
      Bake the cookies.
      As soon as you remove them from the oven, take that same bottle cap and press down in the centre of each cookie.
      And to make the holes all you need to use is a drinking straw!

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Thank you for your thoughts.