
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Winds of change from the East . Part 1


I have fallen in love...

...the head over heels... absolutely smitten... heart pitter pattering.. kind of love.

Here's how it happened.

For the past 2 months we've been house hunting.

After looking at close to 40 different properties we thought that we had found the right house.

So we put in an offer, and after some negotiations back and forth, they accepted.

We were excited!  I was really looking forward to updating the house to make it something really special.

Of course, we went ahead and paid to have a home inspection.
 We were so lucky to have an amazing and thorough inspector who found a few issues with the house.

They probably wouldn't have been deal breakers had it not been for the conduct of the sellers.
(I'm not going to get into the details - all you need to know is that it was a nightmare).

The red flags were flying and after much discussion we knew what we had to do.

We had to walk away.

So here we were starting our search all over again.

I was beginning to feel frustrated - I wanted to give up.

Then it happened.

It was a couple Sundays ago.

We had just been out looking the day before and none of the houses had been quite right.

As usual, I was browsing the MLS website - looking through all of the same old listings that we'd already been through and crossed off of our list - hoping for a new one to miraculously appear.

There wasn't anything.

So, on an off chance, I scrolled the map over to the East just a little bit.

Just a little bit farther East than we had been looking...

...To be continued...

I linked this post to

Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays


  1. Congratulations! On your new home and your blog!

  2. Congratulations!! I am your newest follower. Hope to see you over at My Dream Canvas.


Thank you for your thoughts.