
Friday, March 25, 2011

Let's hear it for the boys!

When the boys shirt contest called "Let's hear it for the boys!" was announced over at I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar, I knew that I wanted to create something to submit.
I also knew that I wanted to incorporate images inspired by this little poem...
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
This is what I came up with...

...and it was super inexpensive too!

  • plain boys shirt - on clearance for $3
  • embroidery floss - .39 cents per little pack
  • left over canvas from previous projects - free
  • canvas coloured thread courtesy of my mom - free

  • scissors
  • pencil
  • fine and ultra fine tipped sharpie markers
  • pins
  • embroidery needle
  • sewing machine

Here's the how to...

1.  Cut and rip the canvas into patches of the size and shape that you desire.

2.  Draw onto the canvas with sharpie markers (use pencil first, if you like).

3.  Pin the patches to the shirt.

4.  With the canvas coloured thread and a sewing machine, sew the patches on.

{Initially, I skipped this step and just sewed the patches on with the embroidery floss.  Then I started to get worried about the edges fraying too much so did this step at the end.  Thanks Mom for your input and help!}

5. Add decorative stitches around the patches with embroidery floss.

6.  And some X's placed here and there.

Here's another look at Oliver in his new shirt...

Don't need a hat indoors, Mom!

That's better!

Thanks for dropping in!

Have a look at some other amazing boys shirts here.

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    1. Very cute. Love the pics. I found you with Lets Hear It for the Boys link party.


    2. That's really cute ... I love the scrappy looking patches!

    3. This is adorable! I love it. Thank you for the great tutorial. =]

    4. Absolutely adorable! I love the frayed edges/scrappy look. The lettering and drawings are awesome--you're very talented. Nothing I freehanded would ever look that good!

    5. really cute shirt! i love that you drew on canvas for the patches. your little man is so adorable, that hat kills me with cute.

    6. I saw this over at iammommahearmeroar! its great!!! i am in love with this shirt!!! and your son is adorable too. thanks for the great idea! :0)

      - jen

    7. Oh my goodness that is so cute. I'm inpressed with your artistic sharpie skills as well! Thanks so much for linking up to Terrific Under Ten!


    Thank you for your thoughts.