
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From Spring to String

What a lovely day we had today!

It feels like Spring is right around the corner... fingers are crossed that we've seen the last of the snow until next Winter.

For the past week, we've been staying with our family back in our hometown.

A few days ago it looked like this...


Today, the sun is shining in the clear blue sky...

...and we were able to enjoy some time out in the yard with our pup...

There were plenty of fresh sights and sounds... the delight of our hound!

The best view of the yard was found...

...when up off the ground!

I guess the nice weather has me in the rhyming mood.


While we were out and about today, I picked up a few things for a couple projects that I have in the works.

More to come about that in the next few days!

Thanks for stopping by.

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